Ned & Patrick Kit 4 - Word Chunks

Ned & Patrick Kit 4 - Word Chunks

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Four books with accompanying activities with the focus on word chunks.

 Book 01 - I am King

Ned & Patrick make believe that they are royalty and rule their own kingdom.  They dress up and gather friends in a parade, and they create new rules for their subjects.

Focus skill: Children will begin to recognize the word chunks -ing, -ang, ong, and -ung and the sound that these chunks make.

Book 02 - Think Fast

Ned & Patrick enjoy a warm, sunny day outside together, but encounter an unwanted guest.  Patrick must think fast to save Ned from what might be an unpleasant situation.

Focus skill: Children will recognize the word chunks -ink, -ank, -onk, and -unk and the sound that these chunks make.

Book 03 - Kickball Anyone?

Ned & Patrick are invited to play in a friendly, neighborhood kickball game.  What the children don't expect is Ned to become a star player in the game.

Focus skill: The word patterns -al and -all are different in that the a is neither long nor short.  Children will learn to recognize these chunks as patterns with a unique sound and be able to read them fluently.

Book 04 - Wild Train Ride

Ned & Patrick dress up as train conductors and take the imaginary ride across the country.  Patrick teaches Ned about the cargo on a train as they wind through hills and valleys.

Focus skill: The word chunks -ind and -old are chunks that can have different sounds.  Children will learn to recognize these chunks in words and be able to read them fluently.